Like skiing or riding a bike, the fundamentals of our creative process remain the same for consistent success.
The Process
Phase I: Discovery
The first phase we refer to as Discovery. This is where we learn everything we can about your brand – where it’s been, where you want to go and where you are right now. We survey your competition, your target audiences and research potential market opportunities.
Phase 2: Brand Insight
This is where we pour over our findings and distill it down to compact ideas that work. We analyze all the input and data to provide you with a deeper understanding of your customer. We then use this insight to innovate, shape relevant messages, and create a stronger connection between brand and customer. Metrics are determined and set to measure performance with quantifiable, reachable goals.
Phase 3: Creative Overdrive
This is where we heat things up. We use our insights and mix it with our creative instinct until we find something that makes us yell “Booya!”. Then we design and build powerful, brand-consistent design, and craft effective content for social platforms that attracts the target audiences while communicating clearly and sealing deals.
Phase 4: Analyze & Adjust
Adapt and improve. From monitoring the reaction to your logo, the engagement on your social media channels, ad performance or website visits, we utilize our tools and analytic minds to ensure your brand is on track and on schedule to meet your business objectives adjusting as markets and attitudes require. Nothing else can better prepare for and build longer term growth.